What Are The Benefits Of Writing In The First Person Versus Third Person?

What are the benefits of writing in the first person versus third person?

When it comes to writing a novel choosing between person and third person narration has its set of advantages. The decision you make can significantly impact how the story unfolds and how readers connect with the characters and the overall narrative. Lets take a look, at the benefits of each perspective;

First Person;

  • Intimacy and Connection; Opting for first person narration allows readers to delve deeper into the thoughts, feelings and perspective of the character. This creates an bond and immerses readers, in the characters inner world.
  • Voice and Characterization; First person narratives often provide an opportunity to showcase a voice and style since the characters personality shines through their storytelling. This helps in crafting characters that stand out.
  • Reliability and Bias; First person narratives can play with the idea of a narrator adding depth and complexity to the story. The biases of the character can shape readers understanding prompting them to read between the lines.

Writing in the person offers advantages;

  • Points of View (POVs); By adopting a third person perspective you gain the flexibility to explore the thoughts and experiences of characters. This allows for a understanding of the narrative world.
  • Objectivity and Scope; Third person narration enables an portrayal of events and characters thoughts free, from the biases inherent in a first person perspective. This can be particularly valuable when conveying a context or understanding characters actions.
  • Dramatic Irony; A significant benefit of using person is that it can create irony. As readers possess knowledge that characters do not this builds tension and engagement as they eagerly await the moment when character knowledge aligns with their own.
  • Omniscience and World Building; In third person omniscient narration writers are not restricted by what one character knows or experiences. They have the freedom to delve into perspectives and provide insights, into various aspects of the storys world. It becomes simpler to construct worlds and portray a range of actions, which is particularly beneficial, in genres like fantasy or science fiction.

In the end the decision between using person or third person should be guided by the story you aim to tell and how you want to engage your readers. Each perspective offers avenues into the narrative for both the writer and the audience.

Additional Resources;

  • Orson Scott Cards "Characters & Viewpoint"; This book delves into selecting and executing the narrative voice that best suits your story.
  • Alicia Rasleys "The Power of Point of View"; A resource that explores points of view including first person and third person along with their respective advantages.
  • Janet Burroway, Elizabeth Stuckey French and Ned Stuckey Frenchs "Writing Fiction; A Guide to Narrative Craft"; This timeless guide provides an examination of perspective and character voice among aspects of fiction writing. Each of these resources delves deeper into the subtleties of narrative perspective. Can assist you in making an informed decision, about which approach to adopt for your own novel writing endeavors.

1 Other Answers To: "What Are The Benefits Of Writing In The First Person Versus Third Person?"

What are the benefits of writing in the first person versus third person?

Choosing a Narrative Perspective

Choosing whether to write in the person or third person can significantly impact the way a story unfolds. The experience it offers to readers. It's not one perspective being objectively superior, to the other; instead each has its advantages that can be utilized to best serve the narrative.

Benefits of First Person Perspective

  • Establishing a Direct Connection; Writing in the person creates a line of communication from the protagonists thoughts to the reader. This allows for a tone that makes readers feel personally engaged in the story.
  • Creating Immediacy and Urgency; The "I" perspective can generate a sense of immediacy and urgency as readers experience events simultaneously with the narrator without any sense of distance.
  • Exploring Personal Growth and Change; First person narratives excel at portraying changes within characters making them particularly effective for stories centered around growth, introspection and transformation.
  • Delving into Stream of Consciousness; When stories require a stream of consciousness style or an, in depth exploration of a characters psyche employing the first person perspective can be a tool.

Benefits of Third Person Perspective

  • Subplots and Complexity; The advantage of using the third person perspective is that it can handle stories, with subplots more effectively. This is because it is not limited to what a single character knows or their location at any given time.
  • Understanding Multiple Characters; By using the person limited perspective we can gain insight into the lives of various characters without losing the intimacy that comes with a first person narrative. It allows us to shift our focus among characters points of view.
  • Authors Flexibility; The third person perspective strikes a balance between providing character insights and allowing the authors narrative voice to shine through. It enables us to include exposition, descriptions and background information that may not naturally occur to or be observed by the characters themselves.
  • Avoiding Self Obsession; Stories that might come across as introspective or self absorbed when told from a first person perspective can benefit from adopting a person view. It expands the story beyond the limitations of a characters mind.

Both perspectives are tools, for writers. Choosing between them depends on their narrative intentions and the nature of the story being told. In fact writers may even consider experimenting with writing a scene in both perspectives to determine which one conveys the story effectively.

It's worth noting that there are variations, within each perspective. For instance you might have a person narrator who observes rather than actively participating or a third person objective narrative that doesn't provide any insight into thoughts or emotions. The choice of narrative perspective should ultimately align with the themes and emotional impact of the story.

Additional Resources

  • "Writing in Third Person Omniscient vs Third Person Limited"; This article helps writers understand the distinctions between two types of third person perspectives.
  • "Understanding Point of View, in Literature"; This resource offers an exploration of narrative voices, including the nuances and hybrid forms that can emerge between first and third person.

Remember, as a writer, its important to analyze both your storys requirements and your personal stylistic preferences when deciding on the perspective that will best convey your tale.