What Is The Best Way To Create A Novel Outline?

What is the best way to create a novel outline?

To begin the writing process start with your outline.

As you work on your draft you might discover that certain scenes or elements need to be changed. Allow your story to evolve naturally.

When it comes to software and tools you may consider using novel planning software or outlining tools such as Scrivener, Plottr or yWriter. These tools can help you efficiently organize your thoughts and ideas.

Additionally there are some resources

By following these steps and utilizing the resources mentioned above you'll be well on your way to creating an effective novel outline. Keep in mind that outlining is a process that should be tailored to align with your creative workflow.


1 Other Answers To: "What Is The Best Way To Create A Novel Outline?"

What is the best way to create a novel outline?

Developing an outline for your novel

Developing an outline for your novel is a step, in the writing process for writers. It acts as a roadmap for your story. Here are some alternative strategies and ideas to keep in mind when creating an outline;

  • Understand Your Approach; Begin by assessing whether you prefer an more outline. Knowing your preferences will help you determine the outlining method that suits you best.
  • Summarize the Basics; Start by writing a concise synopsis or summary of your novel focusing on the plot events and character arcs. This can be a paragraph or two that outlines the storyline, which you can later expand on.
  • Compile a Scene List; Without worrying about structure at this stage make a list of scenes or moments that you already envision including in your story. These can be organized into an outline on.
  • Try Index Cards; For some authors using index cards can be helpful, for outlining purposes. Each card can represent a scene or chapter allowing you to easily rearrange them to find the narrative flow.
  • The Tent Pole Approach; Begin by identifying the moments that hold the structure of your novel together. These include turning points, the climax and the resolution, which serve as anchor points, for scenes.
  • Emotional Beats; Shift your focus from outlining events to capturing the emotional journey of your characters. Map out their states at stages throughout the story.
  • Create a Visual Map; If you're more inclined towards thinking consider sketching a map of your novels "world" to better visualize locations and character movements within that space.
  • Draft a Preliminary Table of Contents; This can provide you with an overview of your novels structure and chapter divisions without delving into scene details.
  • The Headlight Method; Plan your novel as if you were driving at night with headlights to guide you. See far ahead as possible without needing to know every single plot detail, in advance.

Here are some tips and resources, for outlining your novel;

  • Choose a theme and symbols; Decide on the elements and symbols you want to explore and make sure they are integrated throughout your narrative at intervals.
  • Stay open to exploration; Don't let your outline limit you. Be open to discovering directions in your story as you write.
  • Consider using software or alternative tools; Apart from novel writing software programs like Microsoft OneNote, Evernote or Google Docs can be useful for organizing your outline.

Here are some additional resources that might be helpful;

"No Plot? No Problem!" by Chris Baty; This guide, written by the founder of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) offers tips for outlining and writing a novel within a timeframe.

"The 90 Day Novel" by Alan Watt; This book provides structure for outlining and writing your novel over three months with a focus on unlocking creativity.

Trello; A project management tool that can be adapted for plotting novels. It allows you to create boards, for chapters, characters and themes.

These suggestions should assist you in outlining your novel while providing resources to guide you along the way. By utilizing this range of strategies and recognizing that outlines can be flexible and adaptable you will have the liberty to create an outline that aligns with your instincts and individual writing style. Keep in mind that the effective outline is the one that motivates you to continue writing.